Ross Brown
ROSS BROWN B.Sc (Hons), M.Aus.IMM.
A geologist by profession, I have +35 years’ continuous experience in mineral exploration since graduation in 1984. I have worked in different terrains and outcrop conditions in Australia, Asia, Africa and South America. I have worked in a broad range of commodities, including precious metals (gold, silver, PGE’s), base metals (copper, nickel, lead, zinc), battery/green metals (lithium, graphite, vanadium), industrial metals/minerals (phosphate, silica/qtz), uranium, diamonds and dimension stone.
I have designed, supervised and reported on many dozens of exploration programs for major mining houses and junior explores, searching for tier-3 to tier-1 sized deposits, including placer, sedimentary/chemical hosted, IOCG, SEDEX, Mississippi Valley/carbonate replacement (vein, manto, breccia), porphyry, skarn, epithermal, intrusive related, VMS styles of mineralisation.
In the role of managing director for two listed junior explorers, I have compiled over 400 technical ASX announcements (describing exploration results), quarterly activity reports and company presentations.
I have founded/co-founded a number of exploration companies that have been bought by listed exploration companies or achieved listing status in their own right. South African diamond explorer, Nyala, bought by ASX-listed Rox Resources. Chilean copper explorer, Mystic Sands, bought by ASX-listed Whinnen Resources/White Star Resources/Spookfish (which was taken over by Eagle View Technologies). South African diamond explorer, Central Kimberley Diamonds, listed on the Garman stock exchange. Sri Lankan graphite/silica explorer, Lankan Resources, bought by an Australian private company. West African/Western Australian uranium explorer, Oklo Uranium, listed on the ASX. Peruvian/Australian gold-copper explorer, Inca Minerals, listed on the ASX.
My skillset culminates now in the ability to “explain” exploration in simple terms, and it is this ability I bring to Riviere Minerals and the exploration BLOG The Jollygist.
I have been a member of AusIMM since 1988, and I am also a member of GSA and SEG.