
How it works

Submit a review request by providing the ASX code along with the date and title of the announcement (presentation or quarterly activity report, or company name). I will then confirm if I am able to write the required review, and if so, will provide you with a reference number using the email you have provided.

Once you have your reference number then please revisit the website and go to the payment section  to process your payment. So that I am aware that you have paid, please email me a second time with confirmation of payment.

I will then write our review and email it to you as soon as possible (within 48 hours is the objective, but this will depend on activity and complexity of the announcement – I’ll let you know when I provide your reference number). Your review will not be provided to anyone else and will not be published.

Your review DOES NOT:

  • Constitute financial advice.
  • Interpret financial statements.
  • Interpret non-technical announcements.
  • Comment on individuals.



One-off: $150/announcement

Small bundle: $700/5 announcements

Large bundle: $1,400/10 announcements

Loyalty: One free announcement explanation for every ten (excluding bundles)

Company Presentations, Quarterly Activity Reports

One-off: $300/report

Company Review

One-off: $1,100

All prices are inclusive of GST.

Sample Review