Exploration Consulting

Riviere Minerals Pty Ltd (Riviere) offers senior consulting services to exploration companies. Riviere specialises in exploration project valuation, assessment and development, including, but not limited to project exploration program design and project development strategies.  Riviere also specialises in exploration portfolio review, positioning, and development strategies.

If your company has an exploration project or projects that are underfunded or dormant for whatever reason, Riviere can help.

If your company has an exploration project or projects that are lacking direction, purpose, a development strategy, Riviere can help.

Perhaps your company has a portfolio of projects that you wish to bring to the market (via merger, rto, or IPO), Riviere can help.

Please contact Riviere via this website to describe your needs.


Exploration Consulting Rates

Fees: $1,000 per day
Mates’ rates: TBN <$1,000 per day
Longer term rates: TBN <$1,000 per day


Past and Present client list:

Inca Minerals Ltd (pre-Australian listing)
Oklo Uranium Ltd (pre-Australian listing)
Central Kimberley Diamonds Ltd (pre-German listing)
Readymix-Supermix (South Africa)
Safuan Group of companies (private companies Namibia)
Paramount Mining Corporation Ltd (Australian listed company)
Petra Diamonds (pre-London listing) (South Africa)
Lankan Resources Development Fund (Australia) Pty Ltd (Australia – Sri Lanka)

Make an Enquiry

Rivière Minerals Pty Ltd

Ross Brown
0407 242 810
ABN 86 098 477 171